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Playlist für Montag den 15. Dezember 2014 - Fuck X-Mas Special

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Touch My Rash - I Hate Christmas Songs And I Hate Everyone
The Barbecuties - (It's gonna be a) Rock'n'Roll Christmas Party (this year)
Dømt - Merry Fucking Christmas
Excrementory Grindfuckers - Klingelingeling
Horse and Louis - Fuck You Christmas
Froggy Fresh - Christmas
4 Aspirin Morning - Waiting Up For Santa
Jack White - Christmas Time Will Soon Be Over
Lot 74 - Dirty Drunken Santa
Corey Doak - Scruffy the Elf
Supersuckers - We'll Call It Christmastime
Die Wallerts - Lass die Finger vom Weihnachtskalender
Common Enemy - All I Want For Christmas Is A Bag Of Weed
Sons Of Buddha - I Hate Xmas
Skayway - Here Comes Santa Clause
Finnegan's Hell - Drunken Christmas (An Irish Christmas Song)
Sandrose Band - What A Christmas
Innocent Boys - Santa's Last Stop

Playlist für Montag den 01. Dezember 2014

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Crank - Crank
Fat & Angry - Phoneboxes
Betastone - Betastone
Vögel Die Erde Essen - Book Of Zs
Hazarder - Fertile Crescent
Sarkast - Bildungskrücke
Mad Monks - Time Is The Enemy
Sharon Tate - Horizons Black
El Camino - Spiral
Skady - Sieben
Velvetone - The Kooler
Die Ellys - Gehirnwaschgang
Die Liga Der Gewöhnlichen Gentlemen - Das Unglück bin ich

Playlist für Montag den 17. November 2014

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DefektDefekt - War and Industry
Asator - Wenn Welten welken
Awaiting Downfall - Smell of Deceit
Warbeast Remains - World Domination
Dimple Minds - Krank Not Dead
Buster Shuffle - New Money
Skulled - Super Extreme Violence
COEX - I am Scared
As You Left - Dear Misery
Stuck - Clear the way
Gloomball - Blown Away and Gone
President Evil - Hit the Score
Motorjesus - Midnight Rider

Playlist für Montag den 03. November 2014

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Nancybreathing - Free Inside
Hasteblood - The End
Nasty Pack - Make My Day
Prong - Remove Seperate Self
Overkill - Where There's Smoke
Rocky Votolato - Little Spring
John Garcia - Saddleback
Das Pack - Positiv überrascht
Circle Of Chaos - What Is Life
Dirty Shirt - Bad Apples
The Tower - Stand As One
Strike Me Down - FWHVD
Schrott - Stop It Now
Piss Test - Everybody
Schwarz Auf Weiss - Und alles was noch blieb war Kick Out The Jams

Playlist für Montag den 20. Oktober 2014

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Betastone - Son Mas
To Those Who Exist - Who
Truckfighters - Dream Sale
Killbite - Death Illusions
Hymns For Heinrich - Sweet Sister Amok
Jack Wood - Jet Town
North Alone - Some other day
Arliss Nancy - Hold It Together
Blue Rockin' - Deep from the Heart
Pascow - Gespenster
The Baboon Show - Is There A Better Way
Paid In Pain - Cold blood
Coogans Bluff - Her Tears
Liedfett - Kommst du mit

Playlist für Montag den 06. Oktober 2014

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Bandista - Haydi Barikata
Ducs - Oldschool
Grained - Redlight
Kadavar - Doomsday Machine
Katos Rache - RoboQueen
Zodiac - Halb Zivil
Discharge - Protest And Survive
Rumble Militia - Solution
Abstürzende Brieftauben - Was ich nicht mag
Die Mimmis - All Cooks Are Bastards
Kill It Kid - Cheap Revival
Drongos For Europe - Revolution Times
Ski's Country Trash - The Price
The Four - Through The Lens Of Polaroid

Playlist für Montag den 15. September 2014

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The Order Of Israfel - On Black Wings, A Demon
Skulled - Forbidden Society
Clear Sky Nailstorm - Hope Dies Last
Defy Your Dreams - Of Guilt And Duty
Backstabber - What Remains
Misconceived - Misery Stench
Grillmaster Flash - Mofahead
This Routine is Hell - Don't Let Them
Steelpreacher - We Want Metal (We Want Beer)
Dynamite Roadkill - Bootz booze boobs
Gone To Waste - No Escape
Graveyard Johnnys - Dancefloor Of Death
Sick Sick Sinners - Diabolica Sed
Milwaukee Wildmen - 25 To Life

Playlist für Montag den 01. September 2014

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Mantar - The Stoning
Pure Tonic - Living on fire
Average Engines - Idwyl
President Evil - Priest of Rock'n Roll
Rest In Beef - Sperm In Your Vein
Skulled - Fuck it, Thrash it
Clear Sky Nailstorm - Kill Me (Set Me Free)
Sarkast - Lebensabführmittel
Young Mountain - Hildedal
The Homeless - Just One Second And A Helping Hand
Rantanplan - Ponyhof Gnadenschuss
The Freeborn Brothers - Poor widow
The Pokes - Bottoms Up

Playlist für Montag den 18. August 2014

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The Indian Queen - Ain't Beauty-Full
Unchained Horizon - Misfits
Beware The Light - Psychosis
To The Marrow - Make My Day
Aphrenety - Ghost of Slaves
KroW - Relentless Disease
Tigeryouth - Streichholz
East Cameron Folkcore - Charlene
Arrested Denial - Zurück
Kein Hass da - Einfach dagegen (I Against I)
The Palm Set - Not Far From The Scene Where I Belong
Cornilious - Storm
De FuckUps - Stuff
Game Over You Lose - Breakout
Strom und Wasser - Anticool

Playlist für Montag den 04. August 2014

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Turbine Weststadt - Desinfektion
Who Killed Frank - Head Down
La Confianza - Bewegung
Aelement - Nightfall
Always wanted War - Derry
Rabatz - Mädlei
Krieg Destino - Obey
Couch Club - Start The Machine
Street Dogs - Rustbelt Nation
Implants - Unveiling
Jaya The Cat - Late Night Sonic Insurrection
The Go Set - Change The World
Crystal Pasture - Warmenau
Sulamith - Earthlings

Playlist für Montag den 21. Juli 2014

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Dernière Minute - L'enfant sauvage
Coffee - Drop The Bomb
Transmitter - Crossed Swords
Mantar - White Nights
Wohnraumhelden - Perle der Natur
Alexander Von Rothkirch - Rain & Sunny Weather
Dr. Living Dead! - You're Lost
Dark Age - Afterlife
Parasite Inc. - The Pulse of the Dead
Hatesphere - Murderlust
In Signum - This is not the End
Goats Rising - Don't Wake Me Up(I'm already Dead)
Berlin Boom Orchestra - Meister Aller Klassen
Fluchtweg 1. Stock - Love Mode
Narcolaptic - Trivial

Playlist für Montag den 07. Juli 2014

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Warfect - Drone wars
Hymns For Heinrich - Monkeys
DeeCracks - Terminal Deadness
Zatopeks - Chequerboard
Destination Anywhere - Fuck Off!!
The Roughneck Riot - This Is Our Day
Bitume - Kein Heldenkostüm
Rantanplan - Wir sind nicht die Onkelz
The Real McKenzies - Halloween
Demented Are Go - Bodies In The Basement
Bad Temper - My Philosophy
Shirley Holmes - Ride On Me
Montreal - Wie der erste Mensch
Powder for Pigeons - Hanging Around
Blatoidea - Years Of Decay
Schwarz auf Weiss - Schmeiß die Jacke hinter dich

Playlist für Montag den 16. Juni 2014

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Liedfett - Verkackt bevor es losgeht
Bruised Shins - Left To Die
Nervous Assistant - Scales
Neighborhood Brats - Bombay Beach Party Death Camp
Kein Hass Da - Peile Zeit
Yacøpsæ - Kreislaufkollaps
Silverstein - In Silent Seas We Drown
The Slackers - My Bed Is A Boat
Midnight Crisis - Ulkopuolinen
The Ocean - Disequillibrated
Affenstillstand - Schuld
Witches' Cauldron - Prototype
Braindead - Push Em Back
Chicken's Call - Requiem
Autonomads - Breadline Britain
Kirk Grim - Braces In My Brain

Playlist für Montag den 02. Juni 2014

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Cripper - Not dead yet
Drongos For Europe - Peace
Son Of Dave - Well well well
Goodwill Intent - More Fights
The Pokes - Dinosaur
Possessed By Paul James - Hurricane
Jessy Martens - Stranger
Jaya The Cat - Thessaloniki
The Durango Riot - Ready Are The Headless
Wohnraumhelden - Like mich
Faakmarwin - Universe
Vladi Wostock - Americano
Fellaws Kingdom - Na Na Na

Playlist für Montag den 19. Mai 2014

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Motorpsycho - On a Plate
Chung - Downtown Kabul
Dark Country - Same in The End
Mullersand - Der Sommer rockt
Who Killed Frank - Tip Toes
Liedfett - Kater
Dystopolis - Resistance
Koonda Holaa - I came to this country
The Undecided - Said & Done
Leon & The Folks - Carry On
Ferocious Dog - Freethinker
Blind Butcher - Johnny Roadster

Playlist für Montag den 05. Mai 2014

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Touché Amoré - To Write Content
Valerian Swing - Pleng
Walter Schreifels - Pushed Too Far-Friends Like You
Criminal - Resistance Is Futile
Nervous Assistant - Black Cat
Bone Idles - I don´t belong here
Faakwarwin - Klangkapital
Mad Monks - The Island
Kapelle Petra - Aber ne Wurst
Project Thunderbolt - Sleepy Hollow
Disco Oslo - Kaputt und abgefuckt
Needles Pins - Only Call Me When You're Drunk
Red City Radio - We Know Who We Are
Sniffing Glue - Clearence Road
To The Marrow - New Devotion
Final Cut - Voice Of The People

Playlist für Montag den 07. April 2014

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Derek W. Dunn - Poisonous Serpent
The Dinosaur Truckers - Halfway Through
Monolith - Acid Rain
Mr. Irish Bastard - Isn't It Grand, Boys
Finner - The Bearded Man
Shellycoat - Never giving up
Vögel die Erde essen - Hitchcock
Prong - Keep On Living In Pain
Conspiracy Of Denial - Sweet Innocence
Landverraad - Gender Song
Arctic Shore - Denali
Stand Your Ground - Scum Life
Lashdown - Island Of Hope
Rest In Beef - Satan Rapes God
F*cking Angry - Doin Alright

Playlist für Montag den 17. März 2014

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COEX - Hirntot
Krieg Destino - Stay Gold
I Am The Deceiver - Vitality
Loui Vetton - Arctic Roulette
Finders Keepers - Lighthouse
Coogans Bluff - Her Tears
John Allen - On The Road
John Coffey - Dirt & Stones
Mörser - Synthetics For The Devil
Wound - Among You
X-Ing - Bier braucht Heimat
Profit And Murder - Enter The Twilight
Call The Cops - Wasting My Time
Hollowbelly - Mark Of The Caim
Fahnenflucht - Schwarzmaler

Playlist für Montag den 03. März 2014

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Wille And The Bandits - Son Of The Gun
Zeitriss - Ein Versuch
Taina - Pain
Jamey Rottencorpse & The Rising Dead - Somewhere Under The Graveyard
Jean Paul Moustache - Chasing The Sun
Arliss Nancy - Bloodletter
Monolith - Cosmic Fairy
Asking For A Surprise - Dissent
Witches' Cauldron - A Slave To Obsession
To The Marrow - You Don't Get The Point
Hirnsäule - No Dogs! No Dogma!
Paid In Pain - Obedience And Shame
Hack Mack Jackson - Gods Gonna Cut You Down
Rising Anger - Momentariness

Playlist für Montag den 17. Februar 2014

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Rhino Bucket - Joke's On You
Jahcoustix - Screw Is Loose
World Is A Slaughtery - Trust In
The John Hayes Project feat T.I.M. - Try To Love Again
Upon A Grey Sky - Lies
And There Will Be Blood - Cocktail Of Humanity
Soulground - Paradise
Ghostwriter - Rotations
Powder for Pigeons - Believe In
Carey Murdock - Baby My Heart
Calamari Sidetrip - Midnight Dancer
Rob Lynch - Broken Bones
Lederrock - Paranoid Warpigs
Außer Ich - Bordeaux

Playlist für Montag den 03. Februar 2014

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Che Sudaka - Seres Feliz
Born⁄Dead - Sirens
Autistic Youth - About These Words
The Beards - Got Me A Beard
Mizanthrop - Aber glaube
Always wanted War - Gotham
Atlantic Cable - Supersonic Package Holiday
Erupture - Heartless
President Evil - Dirty Cage
Pure Tonic - Caroline
Vincent 'Vintage Vince' Slegers - Rain And Thunder Blues
Tim Holehouse - Fighter
Tim Loud - No Gods, no masters
The Estranged - Play for Keeps
Deserving The Rain - Afterlife

Playlist für Montag den 20. Januar 2014

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Jeremiad - Choleric
Mundane - Love Tree
Krieg Destino - Karma Boy
Voltage - Aint Nothing
And There Will Be Blood - Bloodimir
Crystal And Runnin' Wild - Deadly Day
Owls By Nature - Heartbreaking Ways
René Binamé - La vie s'écoule la vie s'enfuit
Noisescape - Highway 65
Motorjesus - The Warning
President Evil - Angel
Every Time I Die - Grudge Music
A Day To Remember - Life Lessons Learned The Hard Way
Withers - Inflame Exhume Resign

Playlist für Montag den 06. Januar 2014

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As de Trêfle - Passer l'hiver
Ohrenfeindt - Prokrastinations Blues
Soul Radics - Down to the Hall
Götz Widmann - Chronik Meins Alkolismuss
Bonsai Kitten - Life is a bitch and so am I
Black Sabbath - Loner
Overkill - Old Wounds, New Scars
Sixxxten - Die 7 Kammern der Hysterie
Pro-Pain - Can't Stop The Pain
Motörhead - End Of Time
Monster Magnet - The Duke Of Supernature
Western Addiction - My Opinion Is, I Hate It
Rob Zombie - White Trash Freaks