Schlachthof Bremen

Nächste Sendung:
Montag, 03. März 2025 von 16:00 - 17:00 Uhr und von 22:00 Uhr - 23:00 Uhr
Alle 14 Tage Montag auf UKW 92.5 (Großraum Bremen und dem Bremer Umland) UKW 90,7 (Bremerhaven und Nordenham), UKW 101.85 im Kabelnetz Bremen, über DAB+ und weltweit als Internet - Stream

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Playlist für Montag den 21. Dezember 2015 - Fuck Xmas Special

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Pothead - On Christmas Fight
Reel Big Fish - Skank For Christmas
Jingle Punx - It's What I Got In My Sack
The Dollyrots - Because I'm Santa
Keule - Ja genau (Weihnachts Version)
He Who Cannot Be Named - War On Christmas
Fuck You & the Xmas Trees - Have A Very Fucked Up Xmas
Erin McKeown - Santa Is An Ashole
Die Wallerts - Morgen Kinder wird's nichts geben
The Pokes - I Wish
16 Second Stare - The Grinch
Captain Cutlass & The Stormcrows - Yo Ho Ho Ho
Texas Oil - Boogie Woogie Christmas
Two Inch Winky - Rock And Roll Christmas
The Fuck Off And Dies - Merry Fucking Christmas
The Nobility - Santa Shaved His Beard
The Christmas Jug Band - Santa Lost A Ho
Jeremy Lister - Santa's Lost His Mojo
Walk Proud - Santa You Suck
Violent Femmes - Happy New Year Next Year

Playlist für Montag den 07. Dezember 2015

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Katzenjammer - Curvaceous Needs
Dr. Ring Ding - Big, Bald, Gentle & Nice
Iron Walrus - Blessed
Catch As Catch Can - Feelin' Dazed
The Movement - Put The Lights On
Mad Monks - Money
Pure Tonic - Tonight
Noiseast - Shells
Grillmaster Flash - Du bist gut
Velvetone - Hot Rod Killer
Erupture - When Friends Turn Into Snakes
Motogiant - Hell Breaks Loose
Los Bastardos Finlandeses - Scrapyard
The Busters - No More Messing Around

Playlist für Montag den 16. November 2015

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The Cavern - Let It Go
Dimi on the Rock's & The Firesuckers - Sold My Soul For Rock And Roll
Goodyeah Collective - Black Casket
Stuck - Like A Vampire
Nerd School - Do I Have A Witness
Wille And The Bandits - Got To Do Better
Gut Absorber - Scream Bloody Metal
Schwarz Auf Weiss - Als ich noch so war wie ich heute bin
Game Over You Lose - You Say
Generation N - Ready To Explore
The Entire Past - Anything But Friends
The Toasters - Don't Let The Bastards Grind You Down
John Allen - Home (feat. Frank Turner)

Playlist für Montag den 02. November 2015

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Torche - Loose Men
Mörser - Patina Reminder
The Wake Woods - Go Ahead
Daalschlag - Der Weg ist das Ziel
Rest In Beef - Revenge Of Darkness
In Signum - Regenerate The Confidence
Canadian Rifle - Ditches
Auxes - Boom Boom Town
Bullseye - All These Words
Backstabber - Still Diggin'
Brothers In Arms - Never Surrender
Skafield - From The Cradle To The Grave
Mars Needs Women - Get Ready
Rhonda - Camera
Therapy? - Helpless Still Lost

Playlist für Montag den 19. Oktober 2015

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Mobina Galore - You're Not 23 Anymore
geÄst - Von Ästen und Schnee
Asator - In Trauer um den alten Fischer
Zebrahead - Save Your Breath
Beardmore - M.D.
Goodyeah Collective - Over And Over
Bash - Uncle Sam
Krieg Destino - Krieg Destino
The Blues Against Youth - Dotted White Line
Degenerate Idol - TV
Drongos For Europe - Thrown Away
Nebenwirkung - Freakshow
Los Bastardos Finlandeses - BMF
Taina - I feel rage (Devil-M Remix)

Playlist für Montag den 05. Oktober 2015

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Spitfire - Too Young To Die
Dead Trash Bin - Headshot
Die Feisten - Kriech da nicht rein
DUCS - Get Up'n'Go
Jared Cares - Slogans For The Poor
I Will Discover - As Time Goes By
Millencolin - Perfection Is Boring
Diamonds & Dice - Tonight
Game Over You Lose - Bullet In Your Head
Blind Bullets - Bled And Scarred
Phrasenmäher - Hardcorsanft
Damnation Defaced - Ivory Tower
Surface - Spear Of Light
Riot Instinct - No Sense Of Direction

Playlist für Montag den 21. September 2015

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Melvins - Bride of Crankenstein
The Pyre - Ringing Bells
Motogiant - Marching
KAFVKA - #LadyGaggaseinSohn
Jinx - Teaching Laws
Baleful Seduction - T***
Putrefaction - Prepared to Die
Brain Corruption - Lack of Knowledge
Tomorrow Never Knows - The World's Victims
Paid in Pain - Cursed
The Dull Eyes - Skeleton Rose
Vdelli - Catatonic
Rezet - Black Convent
Raindance Kid - RDK
6'10 - Someday Hun

Playlist für Montag den 07. September 2015

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The Chainsaw Demons - At the Left Hand of God
Spermafrost - Sogginess, Leches, Workless
Luctus - Stotis
Space Chaser - Thrashold
Razors - Razors In The Night
Moon Bandits - Desperation
Dylan Walshe - Your Belly Not Mine
Hollowbelly - Gonna Go Down South
Long Line Down - Knocking On My Door
Rattleshack - Hillbilly Hick
Phaenotypen - Locker bleiben
Rantanplan - Fass die Uhr nicht an
The Porters - Harbour Pearls
Peter Pan Speedrock - Get You High
Sworn Liars - Tired Of You
Party Force - Shut The Fuck Up
Dreadful Children - Dead End Youth

Playlist für Montag den 17. August 2015

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Bad Intention - My World
Chuck Ragan - Something may catch fire
The Interrupters - Can't Be Trusted
Andi And His Hot Daughter - Fly Away
Abramowicz - Polaroid
Gallmucke - Miststück
Maintain - The Farewell
Distream / Thorn - Prophets suicide
Eastfrisian Terror - Eastfrisian Terror
Massive Thunderfuck - Strawmyn
Gut Absorber - Daydream Nightmare
Enslaved on Kadavo - Dead Bodies
Rohbau - Zorn

Playlist für Montag den 03. August 2015

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Grillmaster Flash - Bud Spencers Bart
Vladi Wostok - Nemokralitza
Ignite - Embrace
Kreator - Victory Will Come
Mr. Irish Bastard - Evil Ways
The Trash Templars - Steal, Borrow, Beg and Lie
The Baboon Show - High Five With The Guys
Skampida - Barreto
Sexto Sol - Diablo
Feine Sahne Fischfilet - Nur Applaus
Iron Walrus - Medial Sin
Die Dödelsäcke - Rock'n'Roll Butterfahrt
Eta Lux - Boogertown
Treedeon - Terracide

Playlist für Montag den 20. Juli 2015

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Nasty Pack - Getting Older
Iron Priest - Live Medley (Hamburg, Logo)
Ohrenfeindt - Alles oder Nichts
Knorkator - Du nich
Hürlement - Inquisition
Exumer - Reign Of Sadness
Nervosa - Death!
Warpath - Massive
Hirax - Black Smoke
Iron Angel - Sinner 666
Death Angel - Evil Priest
Flotsam And Jetsam - Hammerhead

Playlist für Montag den 06. Juli 2015

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Doctor Krapula - Puerto Carretera
Vexx - Flattened Scenes
Judas Hengst - Contact
Fat Belly - Life Behind A Glass
NH3 - Coerenza
Abstürzende Brieftauben - Weck mich nicht auf
Sulamith - On The Trigger
Empire Me - Home's for Homing
The Bat Bites - One More Drink
The Prosecution - Liars
The Apers - Stop It Now
Red City Radio - In The Meantime
Mad Monks - Revolution
December Peals - Same old records
Vladi Wostok - Dawai
Mammoth Mammoth - Lookin' Down The Barrel

Playlist für Montag den 15. Juni 2015

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Nervous Assistant - Wire Doll
Daily Ritual - The Siren
Eat The Bitch - Wir Bleiben
Rough´n´Reckless - What I Need
Backstabber - What remains
Betastone - Home is far away from home
Grillmaster Flash - Andere Leude my Ass
Gorilla Move - Break It Down
Autonomads - Self-help Housing
Last Leaf - The hanging garden
As You Left - 12 Weeks
Cold Breath - Groundhog Day
Cripper - Tourniquet
Hercules Propaganda - Scream for Action

Playlist für Montag den 01. Juni 2015

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La Dispute - First Reactions After Falling Through the Ice
Skulled - Skulled Youth
Siena Root - Root rock pioneers
The Chainsaw Demons - Whisky & Blood
Gut Absorber - Templars of Blood
Mantar - The Huntsmen
Light It Up - Against the odds
Soulground - Diseases
Baleful Seduction - Wasted Peace
De Schkandolmokers - Mors hoch
Kyosk - One Inch Man
Loui Vetton - Somebody Help Me Down
Fiddler's Green - A Night in Dublin
North Alone - Some Other Day

Playlist für Montag den 18. Mai 2015

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Jeremiad - Dopamine
Blind Bullets - Alien Flag
Asator - In Trauer um den alten Fischer
D.T.A. (Don't Trust Anybody) - Playground
In Other Climes - Dead Man's Fingers
Helliön - Attack
Exit Smashed - BFAM
Motogiant - Roots
Hoof And Mouth - Danse Macabre
To The Marrow - Der Kunde
Sorrowfield - Trickster
Nerd School - Frog in a blender
Schrott - 1000 Places

Playlist für Montag den 04. Mai 2015

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Shoshin - Same To Me
Chadwick Stokes - Our Lives Our Time
Nu-Nation - It's Time To Show Your Fist
New Days Delay - Formschön
Pete At The Starclub - Diabolo
Risk Of Addiction - Free world
Hurricane Dean - Rosehip
Delos - Packed With Gold And Shit
Eisberg - Forcded To Despise
Hawser - Drawn In, Drowned Out
No Turning Back - Not Afraid
The Hangdog Hearts - Terre haute
Cleaver Finn - Have to wait
Leaves - Momente

Playlist für Montag den 20. April 2015

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Owls By Nature - Brothers
Call The Cops - Wasting My Time
Black Cat Bone Squad - (All my friends are) Vampires
The Esprits - I Don't Care
Jinx - Skip The Intro
Kneeless Moose - Waste Of Time
Tenside - Nothing Will Remain
Emil Bulls - Pants Down
1000mods - Claws
A Sickness Unto Death - Epic Fail
Deceits - Junction
La Vela Puerca - La Calle Adiccion
Punishable Act - For All Of Us
Agnostic Front - Never Walk Alone

Playlist für Montag den 06. April 2015

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Clear Sky Nailstorm - Life Means Loss
Chugger - Virus
Deception - Altars Of Sin
Wolves & Wolves & Wolves & Wolves - Friend or Faux
Tim Vantol - If We Would Know
Tito & Tarantula - After Dark
Mr. Irish Bastard - I Hope They Sell Beer In Hell
Flies Are Spies From Hell - Imagine Your Murder
Game Over You Lose - Your Hate
Retox - Let's Not Keep In Touch
Bloodsucking Zombies From Outer Space - Nutcase
Bad Intention - Kessy
As You Left - False Hopes Empty Promises
Off With Their Heads - Take Me Out

Playlist für Montag den 16. März 2015

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The Business - Here's Johnny
Swain - I Need Some Space
Zeitriss - Schon Okay
Mars Red Sky - Circles
We Had A Deal - I Don't Keep A Diary
Royal Blood - Come On Over
Pure Tonic - Fuck Off
Moridigan - Vermin System
Weak Aside - Gods Of Pain
Purgatory - Unleash The Reaper
Grim Vision - Poison Tree
Powder for Pigeons - So Fuckin' Tired
Skulled - City Of Doom
Sulamith - Lost Resistance Army

Playlist für Montag den 02. März 2015

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Pears - Sycophant
Red City Radio - Purple Heart Paper Weight
Finisterre - Coffee Killer
John Allen - Thou Shalt Be Saved
John Coffey - Broke Neck
Clear Sky Nailstorm - Feed The White Lie
Divide - Defiled Kingdom
Disquiet - Outcry
Killbite - Wutbürger
Ódio Social - Me Da Um Cigarro
The Brascos - Set Me Free
Notions - Hang 'Em High
E-Protool - Last Goodbye
Burning Age - Everyday

Playlist für Montag den 16. Februar 2015

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Outernational - Future Rock
Peter Crawford - Straight JD
Reasonist - Nothing In Common
Crevasse - Like Scales From The Eyes
Damage Source - Punishment In Lies
Terrorblade - Gates Of Hell
Eradicator - One Man Jury
Dynamite Roadkill - Till The End
Bombus - Enter The Night
Beware The Light - Regret Nothing
Hate Embrace - Welcome To The Family
Walking Dead On Broadway - Illusions
P.R.O.B.L.E.M.S. - The Things I Know
Jinx - Blimey
Wisecräcker - Modo De Odio

Playlist für Montag den 02. Februar 2015

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Wolves At The Door - Homecoming
Forever It Shall Be - Iron Sloth
Anchors & Hearts - This is a riot!
Abramowicz - Celebration Day
The Subways - I'm in Love and it's burning in my Soul
Mundane - Helpless
Bad Intention - 99
Che Sudaka - Don't ask me (feat. Mark Foggo)
Long Line Down - The Devils Hand
Cold Breath - Lifelong Tragedy
Paid In Pain - Reapers Hand
Bloodtrial - Reclaim control
Billy Rückwärts - Nichtraucher
Django 3000 - Hey Romale

Playlist für Montag den 19. Januar 2015

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Any Given Day - Anthem For The Voiceless
Dream On, Dreamer - Infinity
Bury Tomorrow - Man On Fire
Caliban - Who We Are
Barroom Heroes - 1999
Blind Bullets - Fake Life
Game Over You Lose - I Don't Like It
Dying From The Inside - Scumbag
Until The Moment Comes - Suppression
Austin Deathtrip - Shadow Archetype
Suicidas - Sabes Quien Soy
Trance - Cucarachas Muertas Devoradas Por Hormigas
Le Fly - Shoot Back
Die Bilanz - Nikotin
Kapelle Petra - Geht mehr auf Konzerte

Playlist für Montag den 05. Januar 2015

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Dan Webb And The Spiders - Fix This Place
Götz Widmann - Zwei Komma Acht Kilometer Bier
The Vibrators - Baby Baby
The Dad Horse Experience - Away
Killer Jiller - Geld macht arm
Lambs - Old Men
Rasender Stillstand - Give them a fuck
Kick It! - Someone
Themorol - Waterproof Punk
Braindead - Like A Mirror
Mpire of Evil - Metal Messiah
Dust Bolt - Soul Erazor
Obituary - Paralyzed With Fear
Skankshot - Downgrade
Kill It Kid - I'll Be The First